Me :)

Me :)

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Mid-Term Manifesto Update...

Mid-Term Manifesto Update...

As it's come to my second term in office, I thought it was time I took a look back at that manifesto I
was elected in upon last May and give you all an update as to how I've been getting on ...

Enhance Campus atmosphere by organising varied activities such as bungee jumping and zip-wiring.
During freshers I organised a bungee jump that was open to all students. Having gone £1800 out of pocket to host the event, the overwhelming positive feedback and environment made it worth it. I'm also working with our RAG to see if we can host a zip-wire event in Newport in the new year (Newport bridge). We have also given free reigns to students to host their own events in our union venues.
Represent and be a presence on all campuses.
I've attended over 200 meetings so far, which have spanned across all five campuses. I have also ensured that I attend each campus at least once a week and am currently successfully managing to do this (thanks to my trusty clio!). It's proving very difficult to remain a presence on all campuses with all the travelling I need to do and the meetings I need to attend but I am doing my best.
To remain loyal to traditions by fighting to continue the legacy of events such as May ball, as I have done this year and opening such events to all regions.
I brought this up as soon as I came into office and have been analysing figures and stats for the past six months. I have also presented a case for the event at multiple Trustee Board meetings and have been contacting a number of companies for potential sponsorship. I am now looking into a variety of alternate events, where we can create a new integrated tradition under the new institution. I have been in talks with a club in Cardiff with regards to venue and am now talking through costings etc. I'm hoping to present this proposal to Trustee Board in the new year and have it passed in time for February to launch tickets.
Increase student consultation in Union decisions.
Students have been included in all Union decisions. We have student Trustees from all regions that assist in making decisions from the highest ends. We also have three quorate student councils that can pass proposals and mandate us sabbs. We have also increased our student involvement in the running of the union, having students run events, run the website, taking on volunteer positions etc. We also ensure that logo decision making are passed to the students and have been conducting multiple surveys to get student input on decisions/plans. We are also working hard with SVR's and course reps to feed up student opinion on a variety of matters. We have also launched a research platform for students to impact and organise this years SLTA's (student lead teaching awards).
To defend and extend the rights of all students across all campuses.
As I mentioned earlier, I have attended over 200 meetings on varied campuses. I have fought for various things such as facilities at Atrium II, City campus space developments, development of a Glyntaff SU space, Treforest side gate accessibility issues and the cash machines and IT issues at Caerleon. I am often fighting for things on behalf of our students and always working on mandates fed through our student representative channels. On top of this I have also been taking on casework from multiple campuses and succeeding in most cases.
Keep an up to date profile on decisions and things I am doing as a sabbatical officer on a regular basis.
We have increased our social media stream 100% this year. I launched a new Presidential Twitter and Facebook, which have had a record number of followers/friends. I've been posting updates on what I've been doing throughout the term. I've also began a blog (this one) collating everything I've done and have also included all meetings attended on which campus for reference. I've also updated the website to include a 'Sabb Corner' tab which gives students insight on who we are and what we are currently working on. I'm also in the process of launching my belonging campaign which advertises all council members in each region as well as boosting the feeling of belonging in each region.
To increase integration between campuses.
We've ran a night to Oceana on a Monday which is open to all campuses. We've also set up integrated student rep groups on facebook and integrated all social media streams and groups. I'm also in the process of running a belonging campaign as mentioned earlier, which will be lead by our SVR's. All SVR's have also met and worked together on multi-campus issues etc. I'm also in contact with students at all regions and we are currently looking at running an event for the Chinese new year in 2014. As was mentioned above, I am also looking at running a collaborated end of year event in 2014.

Monday, 30 December 2013

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow…

Finishing up before the Christmas Holidays… or so I thought, it’s been hectic to say the least!


 * We’ve been organizing a campaign for Fair Funding from the University. This has included us filming an exciting video that we hope to release soon, sending a letter to the VC, encouraging Students to petition, tweet, fb and e-mail the University. We’ve assessed and amended the Union’s finance and budgets and have set up a meeting with the directorate of the University to re-negotiate our subvention. It’s extremely exciting to see the students supporting the campaign and speaking up!! :D

 * We’ve signed off on our first ever USW tour participants heading to Saloufest in 2014.

* Outstanding trustee positions have been filled through the USWSU website.

*We ran a poster campaign to guide students to the roles of an SVR/CR.

* We advertised and ran the tri-elections (student council elections). We managed to recruit for the Pontypridd region council, the Newport region council and the Cardiff region council.

* We’ve been working hard with the commercial team in offering alternate nights to students. We’ve decided to hand the reigns over to the students in designing their own nights.

* We’ve been lobbying students to sign a petition which lobbies the government to reject the plans to cut £65 of FE and HE funding. Sign the Petition here:

* We’ve delivered our third Go Out And Talk Campaign to Students at the Treforest Campus. We gave a survey out to students requiring feedback on the SU and have collated them and passed them on to the relevant departments.

* We’ve designed and prepared the Safety Campaign – alcohol awareness posters. The campaign will go live end of January.

* We’ve encouraged Student Council to engage in the recent campaigns so that we can offer more as an SU.

* We sent off our room full of gifts to the Santa Appeal and had the mayor present at the ceremony, where we had children singing carols.

#BusyBee   #LifeOnTheRoad

* Excitingly, I visited Argentina to compile research on the Territory Education System in Argentina. We had some great data and even took part in a student protest. Details of the exchange can be seen on my blog – Adventures in Buenos Aires. I’ve been working hard with a colleague in Swansea Union in collating the data.

* I launched the Research Change Agents program, advertising for our three regional positions. Applications will close on the 16th January 2014.

* I’ve been liaising with the Newport region welsh council officer and the NUS Wales Welsh language officer to lobby the Union for a Welsh language Policy. We have passed this in the Newport region and are looking to get it passed through the two other councils.

* I’ve been working closely with the Glyntaff Campus Officer and Glyntaff Committee on various issues regarding Glyntaff. We are hoping to have the old cash machine re-installed but are awaiting feedback from the University.

* The VP Pontypridd and I have been drawing up design plans for the SU’s new social space in Glyntaff Campus. We finally have movement in camp with the fridges being removed and re-allocated and walls having been painted. We hope to open the newly vamped space in January.

* I’ve collected and distributed the SU feedback cards  and disseminated them to the relevant staff in the SU. #GOAT campaign.

* I’ve been chasing the Art Department with regards to getting a room for the AMC to use.

* I liaised with the estates team in relation to parking permit costs across Atrium, Caerleon and Treforest to develop an equal opportunity agreement. Students and Staff who have paid for membership on their primary base campus will have the option of opting in for a fixed fee to have a permit for the other campuses.

* I’ve been working with Caerleon Sports Department closely in developing a Tennis Co-Ordinator Postgraduate Scholarship. I’m discussing with staff accommodation and admission scholarship possibilities.

* I’ve advertised and recruited Student Adventure Leaders to lead a group of fundraisers to raise money for charity, working with Challenges Abroad and Student Adventures, by doing the following challenges:  Inca Trek, Kilimanjaro Trek, Mayhem To Marakesh. We’re also looking into recruitment for a London to Paris bicycle ride.

* I organized and distributed the Course Representative Hoodies.

* I’ve been looking into the finances of May Ball and looking for sponsorship opportunities that will cover the shortfall from previous years. I’ve presented this and fought for it at Trustee Board, where it was agreed that a new traditional end of year event would be allowed if found feesable. I’ve been looking into different event possibilities and venues and have a potential option to present at our next Trustee Board meeting.

* The Newport City Officer and I have been in talks with the deputy VC’s and estates to solution the accessibility issues there have been at City Campus SU. We are currently in discussion as to re-vamping the space at City SU/finding an alternate space.

* I’ve analyzed the NSS scores and highlighted hey focus areas for the year going forward. I’ve linked these in with points on the Academic Manifesto, which our change agents will carry forward into their research and implementation.

* I created council officer and Sabb contact posters and distributed them around campus informing students of where to go if they are in need of assistance, these can also be viewed on the USWSU website.
* I attended the Student Adventure annual awards where USW Rag were nominated for several awards. 

* I updated the student council pages on the USWSU website to include up to date officer information.

* I’ve been liaising with RAG to organize events in the 2014 term.

* I totaled the RAG totals from last year which came out at £39,582.95. We hope to raise this and the profile of RAG this year.

* I’ve been working with Cardiff and The Vale Colleges to set up an SU at their institution. Hopefully we’ll be able to set one up for the next academic year.

* I’ve set a date for the AGM. Details of which will launch in January.

* I managed to obtain £2000 from the local police to launch some LGBT campaigns in February. I will be liaising with our officers and societies in January as to what campaigns we will choose to run.

* I’ve been deriving stats and preparing for our Fair funding campaigns in the new year as well as preparing for our meeting with the University Directorate.

* I’ve been liaising with the finance department of the University and the deputy VC’s to have the University take over the cash machines. They have agreed to sign the contracts and will be taking over the one in Caerleon in the new year.

* I’ve been chasing up my side gate initiative for Treforest. Building and completion will end last week of January.

* I’ve been preparing a manuscript for our Students as Partners video, which will be utilized in the Students as Partners work strand.

* I’ve been preparing for our Belonging Campaign in January by getting all the material and posters ready.

* I’ve designed and written a diagram describing the current Union situation for students to understand.

* I’ve designed and disseminated posters and news articles describing how the Union is funded.

* I’ve co-delivered talks with the VP Pontypridd and Pontypridd Sports officer to teams of the Cardiff and Newport region with regards to the current financial state of the Union.

* I’ve agreed a question and answer session between the students, staff and the VC and myself to be held on all regions in the new year. I will be meeting with the deputy VC in the new year to set up the event.

* I’ve been looking into hosting a small event for the Chinese new year and am currently liaising with the Chinese community on what we can afford to do.
* I’ve looked through the AMCAS survey and derived key figures from similar institutions in preparation for our meetings in January.

* I launched the GOAT poster indicating where to go to offer student suggestions/feedback.

* I started preparations for the 2014/2015 annual report.
* I arranged and set up a Trustee away day in January where trustees will receive training and go through Union sustainability plans.

Apart from that I’ve fought a number of student cases, replied to millions of e-mails and attended millions of conferences, talks and events even over the Christmas Period.

Keep Peeled for more developments and the next update :).

For more frequent updates, follow me on twitter @USWSU_Pres and add me on Facebook - Carys Rhiannon USWSU.

Carys Rhiannon Thomas :D xx

P.s. A list of meetings I've attended since the last blogg...


#Representation #StickItToTheMan

December 2013

03.12.2013                           Cause and Effect Funding Campaign Voice Over, Atrium Campus
03.12.2013                           Trustee Board Meeting, Atrium Campus
04.12.2013                           Academic Board Meeting, Caerleon Campus
04.12.2013                           USW Alumni Book Launch Event, Treforest Campus
04.12.2013                           LRC Steering Group Committee Meeting, Treforest Campus
05.12.2013                           Nursing Induction Talk, Glyntaff Campus
05.12.2013                           DISAG, Treforest Campus
05.12.2013                           CBI Wales Dinner, Cardiff
06.12.2013                           Leadership Foundation Annual Conference, London
07.12.2013                           Students as Partners, Bristol
09.12.2013                           Students as Partners, Caerleon Campus
09.12.2013                           Student Opportunities Meeting, City Campus
09.12.2013                           Student Council Newport Region, City Campus
10.12.2013                           Staff and Student Moral Meeting with VC, Treforest Campus
10.12.2013                           Cardiff Youth Council, Llanover Cardiff
10.12.2013                           Deputy VC meeting – Newport opportunities, Treforest Campus
11.12.2013                           Security across campus review, Treforest Campus
11.12.2013                           USWSU Pontypridd Womens rugby Christmas dinner, Pontypridd
11.12.2013                           Score, Treforest Campus
12.12.2013                           QAA Review, Treforest Campus
12.12.2013                           Glyntaff Belladonnas room review, Glyntaff Campus
12.12.2013                           The Longest Day, Treforest Campus
13.12.2013                           Movie Marathon, Meeting house Treforest Campus
13.12.2013                           Radio societies meeting, Atrium Campus
17.12.2013                           Graduation Ceremony, Treforest Campus
17.12.2013                           End of year event venue meeting, Cardiff
18.12.2013                           Allegation of misconduct meeting, Treforest Campus
19.12.2013                           Student Union Staff Christmas lunch, Treforest Campus
19.12.2013                           LGBT meeting with South Wales Police, Treforest Campus
24.12.2013                           Christmas eve Dinner @ the meeting house, Treforest Campus

Monday, 2 December 2013

Moustaches Abroad

Moustaches Abroad…
These last two months have been extremely exciting; I’ve even been busily undergoing preparation and completion of a collaborative Research project in Argentina. I had to move quickly in getting some USWSU work up to date and completed so that I could focus my time and efforts into the once in a lifetime Project.…



* We’ve been organizing a campaign for Fair Funding from the University. This has included us filming an exciting video that we hope to release soon, sending a letter to the VC, encouraging Students to petition, tweet, fb and e-mail the University. We’ve assessed and amended the Union’s finance and budgets and are awaiting a meeting with the directorate of the University to re-negotiate our subvention. It’s extremely exciting to see the students supporting the campaign and speaking up!! :D

* We’ve given information talks and sent out details to teams on how they can sign up for Saloufest – USW’s first ever tour.

* Outstanding trustee positions were advertised through the USWSU website. We recruited for the remaining three positions.

*We ran a poster campaign to guide students to the roles of an SVR/CR.

* We advertised and ran the tri-elections (student council elections). We managed to recruit for the Pontypridd region council, the Newport region council and the Cardiff region council.

* We’ve been working hard with the commercial team in offering alternate nights to students. We’ve decided to hand the reigns over to the students in designing their own nights.

* We’ve been lobbying students to sign a petition which lobbies the government to reject the plans to cut £65 of FE and HE funding. Sign the Petition here:

* We’ve delivered our second Go Out And Talk Campaign to Students at the Treforest Campus. We gave a survey out to students requiring feedback on the SU and have collated them and passed them on to the relevant departments.

* We’ve designed and prepared the Safety Campaign – alcohol awareness posters. The campaign will go live in January.

* We’ve encouraged Student Council to engage in the recent campaigns so that we can offer more as an SU.

#BusyBee   #LifeOnTheRoad

* Excitingly, I visited Argentina to compile research on the Territory Education System in Argentina. We had some great data and even took part in a student protest. Details of the exchange can be seen on my blog – Adventures in Buenos Aires. Keep your eyes peeled for the unraveling of our findings.

* I visited NUS London HQ to work on what we will do for the SLTA’s this year. We have decided to recruit 3 Research Change Agents who will carry forward the manifestations of our ‘University Students Want’ academic manifesto. We will look to be recruiting these in January.

* I’ve been liaising with the Newport region welsh council officer and the NUS Wales Welsh language officer to lobby the Union for a Welsh language Policy. We are currently working on this.

* I’ve been working closely with the Glyntaff Campus Officer and Glyntaff Committee on various issues regarding Glyntaff.

* The VP Pontypridd and I have been drawing up design plans for the SU’s new social space in Glyntaff Campus. We finally have movement in camp with the fridges being removed and re-allocated.

* I’ve collected and distributed the SU feedback cards  and disseminated them to the relevant staff in the SU. #GOAT campaign.

* I’ve been chasing the Art Department with regards to getting a room for the AMC to use.

* I liaised with both sports departments across Caerleon and Treforest to develop an equal opportunity agreement. Students and Staff who have paid for membership on their primary base campus can now use the same membership on the other campus.

* I’ve been working with Caerleon Sports Department closely in developing a Tennis Co-Ordinator Postgraduate Scholarship. I’m currently looking into funding opportunities for this initiative.

* I’ve advertised and recruited Student Adventure Leaders to lead a group of fundraisers to raise money for charity, working with Challenges Abroad and Student Adventures, by doing the following challenges:  Inca Trek, Kilimanjaro Trek, Mayhem To Marakesh. We’re also looking into recruitment for a London to Paris bicycle ride.

* I organized and distributed the Course Representative Hoodies.

* I have been working with the local schools engagement University staff member to develop an engagement initiative, which will see Union staff and local school students working together on a project.

* I’ve been looking into the finances of May Ball and looking for sponsorship opportunities that will cover the shortfall from previous years. I’ve analysed the datasheets and am currently waiting on the supporting documents to go through those and to cross-reference. I’ve also been looking at alternative events if the financial situation deems the event impossible to host.

* I set up the Movember University of South Wales Network. I also raised over £100 for charity and as promised will be getting a moustache tattooed to my finger over the Christmas period.

* The Newport VP and I have been in talks with the deputy VC’s and estates to solution the accessibility issues there have been at City Campus SU.

* I’ve analyzed the NSS scores and highlighted hey focus areas for the year going forward. I’ve linked these in with points on the Academic Manifesto, which our change agents will carry forward into their research and implementation.

* I created a diagram informing students of where to go if they are in need of assistance, this can be viewed on the USWSU website.

* I wrote a news article for USW Rag informing students of the opportunities to fundraise and raise money for charity by going on a Trek to Inca.

* I totaled the RAG totals from last year which came out at £39,582.95. We hope to raise this and the profile of RAG this year.

* I’ve been working with Cardiff and The Vale Colleges to set up an SU at their institution. Hopefully we’ll be able to set one up for the next academic year.

* I've uploaded and updated the meeting minutes on the USWSU website from previous years. 

Apart from that I’ve fought a number of student cases, replied to millions of e-mails and attended millions of conferences, talks and events (slight exaggeration, but you get the picture).

Keep Peeled for more developments and the next update :).

For more frequent updates, follow me on twitter @USWSU_Pres and add me on Facebook - Carys Rhiannon USWSU.

Carys Rhiannon Thomas :D xx

P.s. A list of meetings I've attended since the last blogg...

#Representation #StickItToTheMan



23.10.2013 SU Site Visits, Caerleon & City Campus
23.10.2013 Health and Safety Committee Meeting, Treforest Campus
24.10.2013 Trustee Board Meeting, Treforest Campus
24.10.2013 Graduation Operational Committee Meeting, Treforest Campus
24.10.2013 Student Opportunities and Developments Meeting, Glyntaff Campus
25.10.2013 Argentina Research Meeting, Atrium Campus
28.10.2013 Review of Academic Practice and Peer Observation Schemes, Treforest Campus
28.10.2013 Belladonna’s SU Refurbishment Meeting, Glyntaff Campus
29.10.2013 Course Representative Training, City Campus
29.10.2013 Dakar Ralley Opportunities Meeting, Treforest Campus
30.10.2013 OIA Network Forum, Cardiff Met
31.10.2013 Emergency Planning Meeting, Atrium Campus
31.10.2013 Trustee Sub-Group Meeting, Atrium Campus

November 2013
04.11.2013                           Merthyr Tydfil College Board, Merthyr Tydfil
05.11.2013                           Team Sabb Meeting, Atrium Campus
05.11.2013                           Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Board, RWCMD
05.11.2013                           Student Council Meeting Newport Region, Caerleon Campus
07.11.2013                           Equality Diversity and Sub-group Committee meeting, Treforest Campus
07.11.2013                           Student Council Meeting Pontypridd Region, Treforest Campus
09.11.2013-24.11.2013     Argentina NUS Territory Education Research Project
09.11.2013-24.11.2013     UBA School of Law, Teatro Colon, FUBA Faculty of Economics & Faculty of
Medicine, Faculdad De Derrecho Meetings/Interviews, Argentina
26.11.2013                           Cause and Effect Fair Funding Campaign Filming, Eglwys Ilan
27.11.2013                           Images Design, Print and Embroidery CR Hoodie Meeting, Pontypridd
27.11.2013                           Score, Treforest Campus
28.11.2013                           NUS Wales 40th Celebration Awards Dinner, Cardiff
29.11.2013                           SLTA NUS Away Day, London
30.11.2013                           Student Adventure Awards, London

December 2013

01.11.2013                           Student Adventure Awards, London

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

It Doesn't Finish at Freshers...

It Doesn’t Finish at Freshers…


This month & ½ has been a little quieter due to the #FreshersFinishLine and TeamSabb have finally caught up on some well earned sleep (#SabbLife).  Never the less we’ve still been plodding along with lots of campaign planning, election organizing, student repping etc.

This is what we’ve gotten up to this month…



* We hosted a stand at the freshers fairs and Society fairs which included Information on Course Rep Elections, By-Elections, The Sabbs & The Union, Spotify Sign Up and Saloufest.

* We organised and arranged sports sign up and kit distribution.

* We liaised with both Glam nightclub and Revolution to develop opportunities and partnerships for Students for the year.

* We’ve developed the ‘Community Watch’ program and have recruited student volunteers for it. We’ve ran campaigns on alcohol, safety, litter and car parking in conjunction with the local police, the community, the university and the local council.

* We’ve developed a Visioning Strategy to note the direction of the Union over the next few years and to investigate how we can strategically disseminate staff across all five campuses.

* Outstanding trustee positions were advertised through the USWSU website. We recruited for the remaining three positions.

* We developed and produced the ‘University Students Want’ academic manifesto in collaboration with CELT and The University, which collated all slta data from previous years. We have been pushing and campaigning for these ideals. We’ve created a poster campaign outlining its content and have made the document available online. We are currently working with the University on implementing its core initiatives into the teaching and learning curriculum.

* We ran SVR interviews, Course Rep elections and recruited for the posts. We also developed a poster campaign to guide students to the roles of an SVR/CR.

* We advertised for students to design a logo for our new student media platform ‘Cwtch Media’. A logo was decided by trustee board.

* We advertised and ran the by-elections (student council elections). We managed to recruit for the Pontypridd region council, the Newport region council and the Cardiff region council.

* We collated all freshers analysis and delivered a freshers de-brief to Union staff which compromised of a critical evaluation of the freshers period, local and regional research results and suggestions for the future.

* We’re currently looking at running a bus to Cardiff once a month from both our Treforest and Caerleon campuses.

* We’ve been working hard with the commercial team in offering alternate nights to students. We have agreed a deal to sell Glam nightclub tickets for a Monday night to students and will be running a monthly bus from Treforest/Caerleon campuses.

* We’ve been lobbying students to sign a petition which lobbies the government to reject the plans to cut £65 of FE and HE funding. Sign the Petition here:

* We’ve delivered our first Go Out And Talk Campaign to Students at the City Campus. We gave a survey out to students requiring feedback on the SU and have collated them and passed them on to the relevant departments.

* We’ve designed and prepared the Safety Campaign – alcohol awareness posters. The campaign will go live in December.



#BusyBee   #LifeOnTheRoad

* I’ve uploaded the documented charity rally to Bratislava, where two members of the Pontypridd Region women’s rugby union team and I travelled through 14 Countries in 7 days in aid of Dementia UK. The team came  valiant second out of 60 cars and lost out by a margin of two points. To view the video footage click here…

* I attended Graduations at both the Newport and Treforest regions. It was very strange to down my gown to applaud our recent graduates and friends.

* I played an integral role in the development and creation of the new enrolment and access cards which now include magstripes and electronic chips that will allow for the purchase of all things on campus and will allow staff and students access to certain buildings.

* I repped the Swim Britain Event, promoting individuals to get back in to the pool – an initiative following the 2012 Olympics. The opportunity for discounted entry rates was given to students and promoted through our Swim Team and Water Polo Team.

* I distributed promotional media for The Blues Cassadian Cup across the three regions. I also wrote a newsfeed article and lead on the USW Social platform for the competition. Both USW Mens and Womens teams entered the cup.

* I liaised with the Welsh Language Members of Staff at University to organize numerous Welsh Medium events throughout Freshers (Wythnos Y Glas).

* I designed and organized the #TeamSabb Kit in preparation for our Engagement Campaigns.

* I created SU feedback boxes to gather data from students of all campuses with regards to the SU #GOAT campaign.

* I’ve chased the Art Department with regards to getting a room for the AMC to use.

* I piloted a Ticket Rep scheme for the Bungee Jumping. I’m hoping to expand this to other events.

* I liaised with both sports departments across Caerleon and Treforest to develop an equal opportunity agreement. Students and Staff who have paid for membership on their primary base campus can now use the same membership on the other campus.

* I wrote and sent off USWs Postgraduate Scheme Funding Report requesting support for Postgraduate Students/Courses.

* I’ve been working with Caerleon Sports Department closely in developing a Tennis Co-Ordinator Postgraduate Scholarship. I’m currently looking into funding opportunities for this initiative.

* I’ve advertised and recruited Student Adventure Leaders to lead a group of fundraisers to raise money for charity, working with Challenges Abroad and Student Adventures, by doing the following challenges:  Inca Trek, Kilimanjaro Trek, Mayhem To Marakesh.

* I’ve created both student and external business cards. The student cards are for the purpose of welfare needs and the external for contact purposes.

* I was selected alongside the Integration co-ordinator in the union to conduct a research project in Argentina for NUS.

* I worked with Table top advertising to promote the local welsh governments campaign to fight against sexual harassment.  Posters were placed around all three regions and advertisements were placed online.

* I worked with the University marketing department on promoting the #CauseAndEffect initiative, by creating a Vine for the University Vine competition.

* I created a column and wrote a personal story for Sport Wales’s What Moves you Campaign.,-carys-rhiannon-thomas.aspx

* I lead in the spotify campaign, which gave students the opportunity to download free spotify and get automatically entered in to a draw for some top prizes. You can still get yours here: .

* I have been working with the local schools engagement University staff member to develop an engagement initiative, which will see Union staff and local school students working together on a project.

* I’ve been looking into the finances of May Ball and looking for sponsorship opportunities that will cover the shortfall from previous years. I’ve analysed the datasheets and am currently waiting on the supporting documents to go through those and to cross-reference.

* I’m currently working on the academic manifesto campaign, to educate students on the results of our collated feedback and what we plan on doing with it.

* I’ve spoken to Movember to set up our University of South Wales Network ready for the event in November. We plan on making this a friendly competition between all the sports teams, clubs and societies.

* I’ve spoken with the volunteering and fundraising co-ordinator with regards to having a pink October day where all the sports teams will wear pink wigs and don pink nails for Breast Cancer Awareness.

* I’ve e-mailed the captains of our sports teams to wear something pink to raise awareness of breast cancer. Teams will be donning their pinkness on Wednesday the 22nd October 2013.

* I wrote an Inductions recap blog for those students who couldn’t make the SU induction talk.

* The Pontypridd VP and I have been working closely with the Deputy VC’s, the Deans at Glyntaff and head of estates to obtain an SU owned social learning area. We are currently in discussions as to being granted a pilot year in the Belladonnas space.

* The Newport VP and I have been in talks with the deputy VC’s and estates to solution the accessibility issues there have been at City Campus SU.

* I organized an art/photography competition for students which gave them an opportunity to have their design featured as the Hanson special edition poster and win a pair of tickets to their upcoming show.

* I’ve analysed the NSS scores and highlighted hey focus areas for the year going forward.

* I presented our USW Academic Manifesto at the USW/CELT awards evening.

* I wrote a news article to notify students of the lecturers strike taking place on the 31st October.

* I completed the final draft of the Course Rep 13/14 handbook, which will be given out at course rep training.

* I wrote a news article for USW Rag informing students of the opportunities to fundraise and raise money for charity by climbing Kilimanjaro.

Apart from that I’ve fought a number of student cases, replied to millions of e-mails and attended millions of conferences, talks and events (slight exaggeration, but you get the picture).

Keep Peeled for more developments and the next update :).


For more frequent updates, follow me on twitter @USWSU_Pres and add me on Facebook - Carys Rhiannon USWSU.


Carys Rhiannon Thomas :D xx

P.s. A list of meetings I've attended since the last blogg...

#Representation #StickItToTheMan



19.09.2013 Freshers Fair Stand Caerleon

19.09.2013 Trustee Board Caerleon

19.09.2013 Spotify Opportunities in USW Google+

19.09.2013 Hypnotist, Caerleon

20.09.2013 International Coffee and Chat Caerleon

20.09.2013 Sports and Societies Fair City Campus

20.09.2013 Welsh Quiz and Film, Atrium

20.09.2013 Acoustic night and fosters tasting, Caerleon

21.09.2013 Antics on the patio/Scavenger hunt/Beat-a-maxx Treforest

22.09.2013 Liberty Hall/Park/Bridge Induction x3 Atrium

22.09.2013 Glamorgan Court Induction Treforest

22.09.2013 Volunteers and fundraisers bbq, Treforest

22.09.2013 Giant Quiz, Treforest

23.09.2013 SU Course Induction Talks x 4, Treforest

23.09.2013 Glamorgan Court Induction x2 Treforest

23.09.2013 Brunch with the Students Union Atrium

23.09.2013 Radio 1 DJ Jameela Jamil, Treforest

23.09.2013 Accounting and Finance Talk Treforest

24.09.2013 Mountain Halls Induction x2 Treforest

24.09.2013 Freshers Fair, Treforest

24.09.2013 Freshers Frenzy, Treforest

25.09.2013 HND Year 1 Buisness Induction Talks Treforest

25.09.2013 International Students Welcome Induction Treforest

25.09.2013 Chiropractic Induction Talk, Treforest

25.09.2013 Mechanical Engineering Talk, Treforest

25.09.2013 Business Studies Induction Talk, Treforest

25.09.2013 Gig Cymdeithasol Y GwdiHw, Atrium

26.09.2013 Student Induction Talks x 5, Glyntaff

26.09.2013 Course Rep online training meeting, City Campus

26.09.2013 Kick back, Treforest

27.09.2013 Breakfast with the SU, Atrium

27.09.2013 Welsh Cake Demo, Atrium

27.09.2013 Welsh Students Talk Atrium

27.09.2013 Rock Night, Treforest

28.09.2013 Sports Trials, GSP Sports Park

29.09.2013 Freshers ball, Treforest

30.09.2013 Human Resources Committee City Campus

30.09.2013 Schools and the Community Initiatives meeting, Caerleon


01.10.2013 Team Sabb Pre-directorate meeting, Treforest

01.10.2013 Executive [University] meeting, Treforest

01.10.2013 Noson Cymdeithasol, Treforest

02.10.2013 Facilities Tour with local schools, Treforest

02.10.2013 Ardvark Interview, Treforest

02.10.2013 Volunteering and fundraising meeting, Treforest

02.10.2013 Academic Board, Treforest

02.10.2013 Blues Cassadian Cup, Cardiff

03.10.2013 Hands on Panopto Training, Treforest

04.10.2013 Saloufest Tour Meeting, Treforest

04.10.2013 Argentina Research Meeting, Treforest

04.10.2013 SU space proposal, Glyntaff

04.10.2013 Faculty Student Council Meeting Caerleon

04.10.2013 Honorary Fellowship Dinner Caerleon

05.10.2013 Paintballing, Radyr

07.10.2013 Conferements Board Treforest

07.10.2013 Remuneration Committee Treforest

07.10.2013 City and Caerleon SU exploaration meeting, Caerleon & City Campus

08.10.2013 Administrative Regs Talk Glyntaff

08.10.2013 RWCMD Away Day Cardiff

08.10.2013 Assessment Infringements Committee

08.10.2013 Pontypridd and Cardiff Captains Meeting, Treforest

08.10.2013 LGBT meeting, Treforest

08.10.2013 Student Lock in, Cardiff

09.10.2013 Arms Park University 7’s, Cardiff

09.10.2013 SCORE, Treforest

10.10.2013 Glyntaff SVR Interviews, Glyntaff

10.10.2013 Mental Health Bootcamp, Treforest

10.10.2013 Treforest SVR Interviews, Treforest

11.10.2013-13.10.2013 SWAT School (RAG conference), Telford

11.10.2013 Snowsports Society Induction Event, Cardiff

14.10.2013 City Campus SVR Interviews, City Campus

14.10.2013 SVR Interviews, Caerleon Campus

14.10.2013 Student Affairs Committee, City Campus

15.10.2013 Sabb Team Huddle, City Campus

15.10.2013 Go Out And Talk, City Campus

15.10.2013 Saloufest tour information session

16.10.2013 Quality Assurance Committee, Treforest Campus

17.10.2013 Student Initiatives Meeting, Treforest Campus

17.10.2013 Partnership Meeting Forum, Treforest Campus

17.10.2013 SVR Basics Training, Atrium Campus

18.10.2013 Student Engagement Meeting, Atrium Campus

19.10.2013 Argentina Research Project Planning, Atrium Campus

19.10.2013 USW Open Day Student Experience Talks, Treforest Campus

21.10.2013 ESSG Meeting, Treforest Campus

22.10.2013 Bella Aurora Conference SU Tour, Treforest Campus

22.10.2013 Bella Aurora Conference ‘The Student Perspective’ Panel Talk, Treforest Campus