Oh October
It was naive of me to think things would get quieter having recovered from freshers but my has it not. We've had a hectic amount of casework, held on campus meeting with University heads, ran further events, raised money for charity, gone through two sets of student council elections and furthered our work for the QAA, not to mention our recruitment and training of SVR's and Course Reps. This month has been key for student engagement and feedback, having relayed key information and student concerns and queries for campus re-alignment to the University. We will be continuing this work throughout the year to get the best deal for our affected students. Here’s a little detail on some of what I got up to this month. If you’d like to know what else I’ve been working on/would like to ask a question then please do not hesitate to contact.

I've been getting ready for next year's campaigns, creating a timeline for prospective campaigns and ideas for ones our council officers could potentially run. We've launched the beginning of our Alcohol Monsters campaign last month and have recently released the first set of posters for our Stress Monsters campaign.Keep your eyes peeled for future campaigns :)!

I've been getting ready for next year's campaigns, creating a timeline for prospective campaigns and ideas for ones our council officers could potentially run. We've launched the beginning of our Alcohol Monsters campaign last month and have recently released the first set of posters for our Stress Monsters campaign.Keep your eyes peeled for future campaigns :)!
I've been working hard to collaborate with our FE students in partner colleges. We currently have many students from the Cardiff and Vale active with our SU. I've been highlighting issues on their behalf and fighting for them both in the College and the SU. I also have schedulled plans with select colleges to run campaigns within both the University and the College.
We've had two bouts of Student Council Elections!! Good grief! Don't forget to vote on uswsu and keep your eyes peeled for the victors. The first 2014-2015 council meetings have been arranged ready for the officers to jump straight into. SVR's and a number of Course Reps have also been assigned :D! Our SVR's have received training and our course representatives are due to have training in November.
We've had two bouts of Student Council Elections!! Good grief! Don't forget to vote on uswsu and keep your eyes peeled for the victors. The first 2014-2015 council meetings have been arranged ready for the officers to jump straight into. SVR's and a number of Course Reps have also been assigned :D! Our SVR's have received training and our course representatives are due to have training in November.
If you head on over to USWSU's media channel on Youtube you'll find some new developments. We've been trying to up our media presence giving you insight into some events and Union antics. Head on over and check it out. I'm also working with the University to link together on student life videos.
If you head on over to USWSU's media channel on Youtube you'll find some new developments. We've been trying to up our media presence giving you insight into some events and Union antics. Head on over and check it out. I'm also working with the University to link together on student life videos.
I've continuously been trying to enhance the Welsh language provision and opportunities within the Union. I've updated all staff signatures, translated the part-time officer packs and am currently working on a proposal to go to Trustee Board to have a Welsh Language Union website. We now have bilingual signage in the Zen Bar in Atrium and our VP Cardiff has been working hard to complete bilingual logos. I will also be looking in future to develop a pack to give to all clubs and societies and staff members that will aid them in posting on social media in both language mediums.
#SU/University Review
Our report is finalised and has been overlooked by the University Executive. It has been decided that focus groups will be formed focusing on key areas for development in those areas.
Our report is finalised and has been overlooked by the University Executive. It has been decided that focus groups will be formed focusing on key areas for development in those areas.
#Annual Report
I'm taking a different approach to the annual report this year. In the past it's been a reflection on various events and occasions that have happened in the Union. With the Union returning to its core values - Representation, Campaigning, Democracy and Welfare, I intend on developing an impact report. This will be very difficult and time consuming as we do not have a staff member looking at analytics and research, but I believe it will be one worthwhile giving an idea on what the Unions impact over the year has been in comparison to past years. I’ve now completed the report, all that’s left to wait on is the overall design aka prettiness of the report.
I'm taking a different approach to the annual report this year. In the past it's been a reflection on various events and occasions that have happened in the Union. With the Union returning to its core values - Representation, Campaigning, Democracy and Welfare, I intend on developing an impact report. This will be very difficult and time consuming as we do not have a staff member looking at analytics and research, but I believe it will be one worthwhile giving an idea on what the Unions impact over the year has been in comparison to past years. I’ve now completed the report, all that’s left to wait on is the overall design aka prettiness of the report.
#QAA institutional Review
We will be going through an institutional review in 2015. Not only will this allow for a detailed analysis of everything in the University but it means a lot of extra work with little staff for the students' union. I am leading the student submission element, utilising data gathered by Union staff, sabbaticals and students. Our staff member dedicated to this has now produced a survey for students and we've been conducting focus groups in preparation.
We will be going through an institutional review in 2015. Not only will this allow for a detailed analysis of everything in the University but it means a lot of extra work with little staff for the students' union. I am leading the student submission element, utilising data gathered by Union staff, sabbaticals and students. Our staff member dedicated to this has now produced a survey for students and we've been conducting focus groups in preparation.
I’ve been working hard to gather all student queries, comments and complaints in relation to the Campus review. I've been gathering student statements, protests, belonging videos and questionnaires in a bid to highlight the issues to the University. We have also set up and delivered question and answer sessions on each of our campuses and I have been attending classes with those affected to gather their direct feedback. I've also been pushing this information to the re-alignment group who are looking at various options to take back to the Board of Governors. My current focus is on making the provision at the campuses students are moving to will be at equal or better than current and that the SU facilities at City Campus are vastly improved.
I've been working hard to assist our Chiropractic students in delivering and organizing next year's BACS Conference. We are looking at 300 students coming from all over the world with places being reserved for keen prospective students.
We launched our first ever Undie Runs this year in aid of Cancer Research UK! Thank you to everyone who got involved and ran it was great fun for a good cause. We are looking to repeat this event next year.

USW are going on tour! Providing there are enough students we will have pick ups from our Cardiff, Treforest and Caerleon Campuses! There's only a month left to get your deposit down so sign up now and don't miss out.. http://booking.ilovetour.co.uk/groupname/uswontour2015
Apart from that I’ve fought a number of student cases, replied to millions of e-mails and attended millions of conferences, talks and events (slight exaggeration, but you get the picture).
Keep Peeled for more developments and the next update :).
For more frequent updates, follow me on twitter @USWSU_Pres and add me on Facebook - Carys Rhiannon USWSU.
Carys Rhiannon Thomas :D xx
P.s. A list of meetings I've attended since the last blogg...
P.s.s Here's a link to the Sabbs Ice Bucket Challenge
P.s.s Here's a link to the Sabbs Ice Bucket Challenge
#Representation #StickItToTheMan
October 2014
01.10.2014 Cardiff Blues Cassadian Cup, Cardiff
02.10.2014 SU/DVC/CEO meeting, Treforest
02.10.2014 People & Planet & Green League, Treforest
02.10.2014 Kit drop off, Cardiff
02.10.2014 Welcome event for new students, Treforest
03.10.2014 Campus Re-alignment SU meeting, Treforest
06.10.2014 Early Years and Education talk, Treforest
06.10.2014 Chiropractic Conference, Treforest
06.10.2014 Unison meeting, Treforest
06.10.2014 General Elections meeting, Treforest
07.10.2014 British Heart Foundation meeting, Cardiff
07.10.2014 Captains talk, Treforest
07.10.2014 I Love Tour presentation, Treforest
08.10.2014 Flares meeting, GSP
09.10.2014 ESSG, Treforest
10.10.2014 Race, Religion & Belief Equality Sub Group, Treforest
13.10.2014 SVR Interviews, Treforest
13.10.2014 Valleys Kids, Treforest
13.10.2014 Distance Learning Group
13.10.2014 Student Panel meeting - Campus realignment, Caerleon
14.10.2014 SVR Interviews, Cardiff
16.10.2014 Early years talk x 2, Treforest
16.10.2014 Partnership forum, Treforest
16.10.2014 SVR Training, Cardiff
17.10.2014 Campus Re-alignment SU meeting, Treforest
20.10.2014 Team Photos, Treforest
20.10.2014 Early years talk, Treforest
20.10.2014 Meeting Corporate communications & marketing, Treforest
21.10.2014 SU Executive & University Directorate meeting, Treforest
22.10.2014 Spot Center Viewing, City
22.10.2014 Health & Safety Committee, Treforest
23.10.2014 Early years talk, Treforest
23.10.2014 QAA focus group SVR's, Caerleon
24.10.2014 The Undie Run, Caerleon
25.10.2014 The Undie Run, Treforest
27.10.2014 Hope not hate meeting, Cardiff
27.10.2014 Board of Governors, Treforest
28.10.2014 Student Panel meeting - Campus realignment, City
30.10.2014 Assessment Infringement, Treforest
30.10.2014 Challenges Abroad information evening, Treforest
31.10.2014 Campus Re-alignment SU meeting, Treforest
31.10.2014 Appeal Board, Treforest