Here’s a little detail on some of what I got up to this month. If you’d like to know what else I’ve been working on/would like to ask a question then please do not hesitate to contact.
I've been analysing the NSS data that has come through from last year. This data has been useful, along with data taken from our stakeholder analysis in setting next year's Strategic aims. I am currently populating these to go to Trustee Board for approval, they will also appear in last year's annual report.

I've been getting ready for next year's campaigns, creating a timeline for prospective campaigns and ideas for ones our council officers could potentially run. We're all set for the Alcohol Monsters campaign and prepping for december's. Keep your eyes peeled :)!

I've been working hard to schedulle in welcome talks for our FE students in partner colleges. I also have schedulled plans with select colleges to run campaigns within both the University and the College.
We had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Eisteddfod this year :D!! As well as enjoying the Welsh festival I held chat with the President sessions at our USW stand. We also seized on the opportunity to converse with the NUS Wales Welsh Language officer on how we could improve the Welsh provision in the Union at little-no cost.

I've been working hard on the Part-time officer Student Council packs over the last few weeks. They now contain further information on individual positions and guidance on how to submit your application. Our VP Cardiff is currently working on a poster for the
by-elections and our VP Newport will make nomination packs available online.

During our last Team Sabb Huddle we split the website into sections for each of us to work on. We've been tirelessly updating to the best of our abilities and it's now starting to come together :). Check it out - www.uswsu.com

I've been trying to enhance the Welsh language provision and opportunities within the Union. I've updated all staff signatures, translated the part-time officer packs and am currently working on a proposal
to go to Trustee Board to have a Welsh Language Union website. I will also be looking in future to develop a pack to give to all clubs and societies and staff members that will aid them in posting on social media in both language mediums.
#SU/University Review
We've now had four meetings and have began editing our finalised draft report. We initially thought that we would have the report finished by now, however the review was larger than anticipated and has taken a while longer. We are currently in the process of going over a draft report with recommendations for future practice looking at things such as a joint strategy for sport, a different funding model for the Union and a varied support and advice strand that would suit both part time, full time, undergraduate and postgraduate students. This report will go to the Union's trustee board for ratification before going to the Universities Board of Governors.
We've now had four meetings and have began editing our finalised draft report. We initially thought that we would have the report finished by now, however the review was larger than anticipated and has taken a while longer. We are currently in the process of going over a draft report with recommendations for future practice looking at things such as a joint strategy for sport, a different funding model for the Union and a varied support and advice strand that would suit both part time, full time, undergraduate and postgraduate students. This report will go to the Union's trustee board for ratification before going to the Universities Board of Governors.

I'm taking a different approach to the annual report this year. In the past it's been a reflection on various events and occasions that have happened in the Union. With the Union returning to its core values - Representation, Campaigning, Democracy and Welfare, I intend on developing an impact report. This will be very difficult and time consuming as we do not have a staff member looking at analytics and research, but I believe it will be one worthwhile giving an idea on what the Unions impact over the year has been in comparison to past years. I’ve done the majority of the report, all that’s left to wait on are statistics and the overall design aka prettiness of the report.

#QAA institutional Review
We will be going through an institutional review in 2015. Not only will this allow for a detailed analysis of everything in the University but it means a lot of extra work with little staff for the students' union. I will be leading the student submission element, utilising data gathered by Union staff, sabbaticals and students. I've began preparation for this having gone to some conferences, initial meetings and writing preparation documents for planning the next steps. We have also secured funding for a staff member who will oversee the student submission.
We will be going through an institutional review in 2015. Not only will this allow for a detailed analysis of everything in the University but it means a lot of extra work with little staff for the students' union. I will be leading the student submission element, utilising data gathered by Union staff, sabbaticals and students. I've began preparation for this having gone to some conferences, initial meetings and writing preparation documents for planning the next steps. We have also secured funding for a staff member who will oversee the student submission.
#Campus Review/AccommodationChanges

I’ve been working hard with all VP’s on a response to the recent news regarding campus reviews. We’ve been gathering student statements, protests, belonging videos and questionnaires in a bid to highlight it to the University. We have also been pushing this information to the Review group who are looking at various options to take back to the Board of Governors. We’ve managed to get two representatives to sit on the Board in September and are planning for many outcomes. We have also been tirelessly trying to allow students living in Standard halls on the Caerleon campus to be given the choice to stay there, with further options for those who decide they would like to move to ensuite. On top of this we have been meeting regularly with both directorate and members of the group to address what needs improvement in terms of student experience in the event of either decision.
The Vice President Newport and I have been working hard to find ways to fund the end of year event so that it is even bigger than last year. We’re looking at running events to raise money for it, having a base number to fund the event and possibly sponsorship opportunities. We have also been looking into options to host something similar in our other regions, but are seeking students interest to take a lead on this.
Apart from that I’ve fought a number of student cases, replied to millions of e-mails and attended millions of conferences, talks and events (slight exaggeration, but you get the picture).
Keep Peeled for more developments and the next update :).
For more frequent updates, follow me on twitter @USWSU_Pres and add me on Facebook - Carys Rhiannon USWSU.
Carys Rhiannon Thomas :D xx
P.s. A list of meetings I've attended since the last blogg...
P.s.s Here's a link to the Sabbs Ice Bucket Challenge
P.s.s Here's a link to the Sabbs Ice Bucket Challenge
#Representation #StickItToTheMan
01.08.2014 Team SABB Huddle, Treforest
01.08.2014 Fresh Prince Filming, All Campuses
04.08.2014 Eisteddfod, Llanelli
05.08.2014 Caerleon Accomodation meeting, Treforest
06.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
06.08.2014 1-1 DVC, PRES & CEO, Treforest
07.08.2014 Team SABB Huddle, Treforest
08.08.2014 Y Talwrn, Gregynnog
09.08.2014 Y Talwrn, Gregynnog
11.08.2014 Team SABB Huddle, Treforest
11.08.2014 Individual Catch-up VP, Treforest
11.08.2014 Toga filming, Treforest
12.08.2014 Photoshoot, Caerleon
12.08.2014 Individual Catch-up VP, Caerleon
13.08.2014 Graduation Committee Meeting, Caerleon
13.08.2014 Freshers in Newport Meeting, Caerleon
14.08.2014 Assessment Infrigement Meeting, Treforest
14.08.2014 I Love Tour Meeting, Treforest
14.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
14.08.2014 STAR Award, Caerleon
15.08.2014 Team SABB Huddle, Treforest
15.08.2014 PCSO/Community/Union Meeting, Treforest
18.08.2014 Exec/SU Meeting- Student Experience, Treforest
19.08.2014 Fresh Prince Filming and Voice Over, City
20.08.2014 Meeting with Council, Treforest
20.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
20.08.2014 Campus re-alignment meeting, Treforest
21.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
22.08.2014 SU Executive Meeting, Treforest
22.08.2014 Team SABB Huddle Meeting, Treforest
22.08.2014 BBC Radio Wales Interview on FCF Cuts, Treforest
26.08.2014 STAR Award, City x2
26.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
26.08.2014 STAR Award, Cardiff
28.08.2014-08.08.2014 Taking on the Monstorous Mount Killimanjaro, Tanzania
01.08.2014 Fresh Prince Filming, All Campuses
04.08.2014 Eisteddfod, Llanelli
05.08.2014 Caerleon Accomodation meeting, Treforest
06.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
06.08.2014 1-1 DVC, PRES & CEO, Treforest
07.08.2014 Team SABB Huddle, Treforest
08.08.2014 Y Talwrn, Gregynnog
09.08.2014 Y Talwrn, Gregynnog
11.08.2014 Team SABB Huddle, Treforest
11.08.2014 Individual Catch-up VP, Treforest
11.08.2014 Toga filming, Treforest
12.08.2014 Photoshoot, Caerleon
12.08.2014 Individual Catch-up VP, Caerleon
13.08.2014 Graduation Committee Meeting, Caerleon
13.08.2014 Freshers in Newport Meeting, Caerleon
14.08.2014 Assessment Infrigement Meeting, Treforest
14.08.2014 I Love Tour Meeting, Treforest
14.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
14.08.2014 STAR Award, Caerleon
15.08.2014 Team SABB Huddle, Treforest
15.08.2014 PCSO/Community/Union Meeting, Treforest
18.08.2014 Exec/SU Meeting- Student Experience, Treforest
19.08.2014 Fresh Prince Filming and Voice Over, City
20.08.2014 Meeting with Council, Treforest
20.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
20.08.2014 Campus re-alignment meeting, Treforest
21.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
22.08.2014 SU Executive Meeting, Treforest
22.08.2014 Team SABB Huddle Meeting, Treforest
22.08.2014 BBC Radio Wales Interview on FCF Cuts, Treforest
26.08.2014 STAR Award, City x2
26.08.2014 STAR Award, Treforest
26.08.2014 STAR Award, Cardiff
28.08.2014-08.08.2014 Taking on the Monstorous Mount Killimanjaro, Tanzania