Me :)

Me :)

Thursday, 29 May 2014



May has been an expected jam packed month full of Exams, Crazy events, Student Casework and Hearings, Reviews and Meetings. It’s been non-stop, nevertheless here’s a little of what I got up to this very brief but busy month. If you’d like to know what else I’ve been working on/would like to ask a question then please do not hesitate to contact.



I’ve been pushing to try and get it implemented that students get their academic timetable around May/June time. This will allow prospective and current students to plan in advance for work experience/other commitments. I’ve also been trying to combat the issue of room booking through having an e-mail reminder/do you still need it system. The University are currently looking in to systems that can be put in place to best utilise these rooms.



I’ve been working hard with staff in the Union to offer sponsorship opportunities for our Sports teams and societies (much like Glam have offered previously). Hopefully we’ll have some pleasing news to deliver over the summer.




The company Just Eat came to the University of South Wales on the 15th May 2014, in order to have a delivery of free pizza. A student-lead event was set up on the Tre

forest campus titled Exam De-stressors, where this took place. Bubble wrap popping, ball pit diving, nap corner, live DJ and freebies were some of the highlights of the event. I hope to expand on this next year with pat a puppy and massage :D!


#SU Job Shop/Newsletter

I’ve spent the last few days updating and posting new vacancies on our job shop ( There are currently around 7-8 vacancies. I’ve also started the newsletter back up based on our core principles (Academic, Welfare, Representation, Democracy, Campaigning), it also contains events information across our campuses. I’m hoping to get this developed so it becomes a weekly newsletter once more come September. In order to receive the updates please sign up to



We’ve compiled an elections overview/report following our away day. This report will be presented at the next Trustee Board meeting.



The Golden STAR Awards were launched this month. We received over 100 nominations! I’ve been working hard to analyse these and organise the awards. The student winners are currently being chosen by a panel and the staff awards will follow. There won’t be an official awards ceremony this year (a first for all campuses) but there will be awards given ;).



I’ve been appealing to the University and the Union to have bilingual signage in Atrium II. As much as the Union want to expand on their Welsh provision it is proving difficult with no finance to do so. I am working with developing the new Union website in providing some Welsh sections (currently not provided) but it proving difficult work for one individual. I’ve also highlighted the Welsh language into the review and hope to appeal to the University to finance/budget for a translation company/member of staff. I will feed this information back to representatives when a more stable position can be established.



I’ve been involved with a group responsible for the review of Academic Board. I’ve held a number of interviews with sabbatical officers, council officers and students to collect data that will go into the report. The report has been completed and has been sent to be presented to the board of governors and will provide the basis to implement changes to the board.




We’re still working hard with our newly formed student committee to develop the end of year events. Reps have been pushing hard and we have hit sell-out point in Newport. I’m working with events students on the Treforest campus to see if they would like to do something similar and am working even harder to echo and broaden the success of this year’s Newport event with the VP Newport elect’.



Induction in the past has compromised of a very un-organized brief hand over, a talk-through of different representative groups and the signing of contracts and forms. I’ve been working on a tran

sformation of inductions. Each officer elect’ will be provided with a folder containing all the information needed to carry out the role effectively. Each contains regional details and useful contacts within the union, university and the sector. I am also organizing individual induction meets with each member of staff to go through their roles and responsibilities and how they can help.  The folders will form the basis of induction week, with campus specific handovers happening in each of the roles in their respective regions. We are also currently planning group handover, trustee training and officer training ready for the new academic year. Individual regional handover has began and I’ve booked the incoming sabbaticals summer NUS training.



Following request from a number of students in varied societies, I presented a proposal for adequate funding to be given to our sports teams, clubs and societies. Student council have requested for further information on what is wanted/needed. The societies officer and I am looking at how things are done with budgeting etc but I need all of your assista

nce with the other bit. They have asked for what societies/clubs would like to be amended and the reasoning for numeric values. I’m collating a brief report/ mini statement outlining what the societies think they should receive, what is received now, what the money will go on if they were given a contribution and the cost of expenditure and what the reprucutions of funding clubs and societies will mean. As I only received a response from JAMS I cannot take much to the last student council meeting. I am however working fair funding to all extracurricular activities into the SU/University review.


We have held our first two meetings and are working hard on having the report completed mid-June. The report will provide recom

mendations for the Long Term. Based on the final report, the SU will be able to work on its Strategic Plan. I have had responses from two student council officers in the Pontypridd region (Women’s officer and Glyntaff Officer). I am still waiting on surveys from all other officers and the Chairs.



I’ve been working with the University to review the effectiveness of the student affairs committee. It has currently been put on pause by the Board of Governors. As the sabbaticals rappor with staff is generally good, we tend to approach them individually for specific needs. A lot of the papers which was raised at the meeting was also repetitive, so the meeting served little to no purpose. A Governor Link has been placed within the University, to consult with the Union on various issues. Each VP will report discussions at their monthly course representative assemblies to the individual, to take forward to the relevant individuals if needed and I will be working closely with them over the next year. The initial meeting has happened and I am looking forward to subsequent meetings.




The IB building has now been demolished and the University have been working hard on Library developments. I’ve also been working closely with the VP Newport elect’ to plan for next year’s end of year event, in hope that it will be even more successful than this year’s. I’ve been fighting Caerleon’s corner in relation to course closures and courses moving to other locations. I’ve raised these at both academic board and mentioned it in the report given to the individual appointed to feed information to specific areas. I’ve also raised wifi in halls and on campus issues with the University and am working on regulations to allow for extended deadlines in such instances where disruption is caused.


I’ve been surveying students with regards to catering in Atlantic house and feeding the information back to the University. The University are currently looking into provisional arrangements. I’ve also highlighted the need for cleaners/designated individuals to keep the catering areas in Cromwell House clean. Atrium IIa is making good progress and we are looking forward to moving in to the new SU space.


I’ve raised the possibility of having the old Atrium SU cabin to City on a provisional basis. The University are currently looking into this, however no promises can currently be made. I’ve also appealed to the University to have the Social Space renovated, but I’ve been advised as previous officers have failed to utilise the space well and take care of it, it will be difficult. It has been noted that the access issues to                                                                                              the corridor and room have been resolved.

# Glyntaff

The University are currently looking into possibilities of improving the lower car parks. We’ve also made progress in the SU with the information boards having been put up. We are waiting for the ideas wall pens to arrive before putting them in the space.


Work has began on the Air hanger and surrounding areas. Construction work will continue through the summer to get it completed in time. The 24/7 access to the side gate is also now live :D. I’m currently  working with the University with regards to making the library 24/7 and am discussing further computer access during the holiday periods.


Apart from that I’ve fought a number of student cases, replied to millions of e-mails and attended millions of conferences, talks and events (slight exaggeration, but you get the picture).

 Keep Peeled for more developments and the next update :).


For more frequent updates, follow me on twitter @USWSU_Presand add me on Facebook - Carys Rhiannon USWSU.


Carys Rhiannon Thomas :D xx

P.s. A list of meetings I've attended since the last blogg...


#Representation #StickItToTheMan

May 2014
01.05.2014                  Graduation Committee, Treforest
02.05.2014                  Just Eat Opportunities Meeting, Treforest
02.05.2014                  Golden STAR Awards meeting, Treforest
06.05.2014                  Just Eat Opportunities Meeting, Treforest
06.05.2014                  USW Staff Choir, Treforest
07.05.2014                  ESSG, Treforest
07.05.2014                  USW Staff Choir, Treforest
07.05.2014                  Assessment Infringements Committee, Treforest
07.05.2014                  USW Chapel BBC Reading/Recordings, Treforest
08.05.2014                  University Website Developments, Treforest
08.05.2014                  Casework, Treforest
08.05.2014                  Golden STAR Awards meeting, Treforest
08.05.2014                  Faculty Student council meeting, Glyntaff
08.05.2014                  I Love Tour meeting, Treforest
12.05.2014                  Caswork team, Treforest
12.05.2014                  Institutional Review meeting, Treforest
12.05.2014                  GradEdge Meeting, Treforest
12.05.2014                  Student Success Group, Treforest
12.05.2014                  Human Resources Committee, Caerleon
13.05.2014                  Race and Religion Sub-Group Committee, Treforest
13.05.2014                  Welsh in the SU, Treforest
14.05.2014                  FCF, Treforest
14.05.2014                  Trustee Board, Treforest
15.05.2014                  Equality and Diversity Sub-Group, Treforest
15.05.2014                  DISAG, Treforest
16.05.2014                  Students’ Union Review Group, Treforest
19.05.2014                  Board of Governors Away Day
19.05.2014                  Board of Governors, Treforest
19.05.2014                  Remuneration committee, Treforest
19.05.2014                  Nominations committee, Treforest
21.05.2014                  CaseWork, City
22.05.2014                  Misconduct meeting, Treforest
22.05.2014                  Website Development meeting, Treforest
22.05.2014                  Social media policy meeting, Treforest
22.05.2014                  Golden STAR Awards meeting, Treforest
23.05.2014                  CaseWork, Caerleon
28.05.2014                  FCF Committee, Treforest
28.05.2014                  Golden STAR Awards meeting, Treforest
29.05.2014                  Governor Link meeting, Treforest
29.05.2014                  Student Job opportunities, Treforest
30.05.2014                  CaseWork, Glyntaff
30.05.2014                  Golden STAR Awards meeting, Treforest



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