''School's Out for Summer'' well for most of us. Exams are over and we can start to enjoy the not so sunny weather :D. Here's an update on what's been going on and a bit of info on some jobs you can apply for. Please bear with us online over the next few weeks, as we are going through development of our new website...
It seems like a lifetime away now but the Elections are over. The Sabbatical Officers have produced a report on them and will be presenting it at the next Trustee Board meeting for implementation/improvement. New Sabbs and Council Officers will take up post on the 1st July 2014.
The S.T.A.R awards
The support, teaching and research awards have been and gone. Our Sabbatical Officers have been plowing through all of the nominations and segregating them for the decision panel choose the winers. Keep your eyes peeled for the revelaing of the winners :D!
Students' Union Review
We're working hard with the Union/University review group to produce a paper by the mid June. This paper will contain suggestions for the services provided by the Union, The financial needs of the Union and suggestions based on the core values of the students' union. This paper will then be considered by trustee board and the University to go forward for implementation in the Long Term.
A number of our Student Council Representatives attended various conferences over the last few months. One student representative was recenty elected as the new NUS Black Students Officer. Congratulations Saint! A number of our other officers elect' have also been working hard to get some proposals through student council for implementation.
Official Freshers 2014-2015 Groups and Pages
With the Excitement of Freshers dawning, it becomes ever more important that our students remain
viligent in handing over their cash. Too often do we find students having bought tickets from a different source. Make sure you're not one of the ones caught out this year by keeping up to date. Find a link to all the pages here: http://www.uswsu.com/news/index.php?page=article&news_id=386085
Grad Edge
GradEdge launches an exciting competition to win exciting prizes! Sign up to find out more/be entered.
Sabbatical Updates...
President Vice President Cardiff Vice President Newport Vice President Pontypridd
Job Vacancies...
In order to have access to these, please sign up to the website - uswsu.com.
1 Travel Writer
2. Warehouse Operative
3. Student Ambassador
4. Self Employed Canvassers
5. Saturday Sports Coach
6. Events Fundraising Summer Intern
7. Adventure Leader
8. Glamorgan Furniture Rep
9. USA Summer Camp Jobs
10. Live, work and Travel in America
11. Sales Distributor
Finally, our outgoing Sabbaticals are leaving :(. Goodbye Sarah, Richard and Verity :'(... A big thank you to all their hard work during the year and best wishes for the future!
Carys Rhiannon, Students' Union President
ps. Keep your eyes peeled for future updates and our brand knew Freshers 14/15 packages!
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