Me :)

Me :)

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

New Year, New Team

New Year, New Team

So our new team of sabbaticals took up office on the 1st July. A lot of this month has been dedicated to individual training, team training and setting things up. But we're getting our plans in place for the upcoming year and preparing to boost student engagement and further opportunities with the little resource we have. I will also be working extremely hard to push through the Students' Union review this year for implementation in 2015/2016. Exciting stuff lay ahead :D! Here’s a little detail on some of what I got up to this month. If you’d like to know what else I’ve been working on/would like to ask a question then please do not hesitate to contact.

#SU/University Review

We've now had four meetings and have began editing our finalised draft report. We initially thought that we would have the report finished by now, however the review was larger than anticipated and has taken a while longer. We are currently in the process of going over a draft report with recommendations for future practice looking at things such as a joint strategy for sport, a different funding model for the Union and a varied support and advice strand that would suit both part time, full time, undergraduate and postgraduate students. This report will go to the Union's trustee board for ratification before going to the Universities Board of Governors.

#Annual Report

I'm taking a different approach to the annual report this year. In the past it's been a reflection on various events and occasions that have happened in the Union. With the Union returning to its core values - Representation, Campaigning, Democracy and Welfare, I intend on developing an impact report. This will be very difficult and time consuming as we do not have a staff member looking at analytics and research, but I believe it will be one worthwhile giving an idea on what the Unions impact over the year has been in comparison to past years. I’ve done the majority of the report, all that’s left to wait on are statistics that have not yet been released and the overall design aka prettiness of the report.


Each officer elect’ was provided with a folder containing all the information needed to carry out the role effectively. Each contained regional details and useful contacts within the union, university and the sector. I delivered talks and carried out individual induction meets with each member of staff to go through their roles and responsibilities and how they can help. The folders formed the basis of induction week, with campus specific handovers having happened in each of the roles in their respective regions.

#QAA institutional Review

We will be going through an institutional review in 2015. Not only will this allow for a detailed analysis of everything in the University but it means a lot of extra work with little staff for the students' union. I will be leading the student submission element, utilising data gathered by Union staff, sabbaticals and students. I've began preparation for this having gone to some conferences, initial meetings and writing preparation documents for planning the next steps.

#Campus Review/AccommodationChanges

I’ve been working hard with all VP’s on a response to the recent news regarding campus reviews. We’ve been gathering student statements, protests and belonging videos and questionnaires in a bid to highlight it to the University. We have also been pushing this information to the Review group who are looking at various options to take back to the Board of Governors. We’ve managed to get two representatives to sit on the Board in September and are planning for many outcomes. We have also been tirelessly trying to allow students living in Standard halls on the Caerleon campus to be given the choice to stay there, with further options for those who decide they would like to move to ensuite.


I set up group handover, trustee training and officer training ready for the new academic year. We also attended the NUS Students’ Unions conference, which proved very useful and insightful. We’ve just completed Trustee Training and are now gearing up to become more involved with NUS, hoping to attend their Zone conferences and further the USW students’ voice on a national scale.


The Vice President Newport and I have been working hard to find ways to fund the end of year event so that it is even bigger than last year. We’re looking at running events to raise money for it, having a base number to fund the event and possibly sponsorship opportunities. We have also been looking into options to host something similar in our other regions, but are seeking students interest to take a lead on this.



Apart from that I’ve fought a number of student cases, replied to millions of e-mails and attended millions of conferences, talks and events (slight exaggeration, but you get the picture).

Keep Peeled for more developments and the next update :).


For more frequent updates, follow me on twitter @USWSU_Pres and add me on Facebook - Carys Rhiannon USWSU.

Carys Rhiannon Thomas :D xx

P.s. A list of meetings I've attended since the last blogg...


#Representation #StickItToTheMan

July 2015

01.07.2014 – 04.07.2014  Officer Induction, Treforest Campus
01.07.2014                           1-1 Induction x 3, Treforest Campus
01.07.2014                           Directorate/SU meeting, Treforest Campus
02.07.2014 – 04.07.2014  NUS Students’ Unions Conference, Bolton
05.07.2014                           Open Day, Treforest Campus
07.07.2014                           Kit Tender, GSP
07.07.2014                           GradEdge, Treforest Campus
07.07.2014                           Freshers Meeting, Treforest Campus
07.07.2014                           1-1 DVC meeting, Treforest Campus
11.07.2014                           Casework, Treforest Campus
11.07.2014                           Casework, Caerleon Campus
14.07.2014                           Sports Tender, Treforest Campus
14.07.2014                           USW/USWSU Charter agreement, Treforest Campus
14.07.2014 – 17.07.2014  Graduation Ceremonies, Treforest Campus
17.07.2014                           Filming Student Life, Cardiff Campus
18.07.2014                           SABB Marketing meeting, Cardiff Campus
21.07.2014                           SU Review Group meeting, Treforest Campus
22.07.2014                           Caerleon Accommodation meeting, Treforest Campus
24.07.2014                           Team Sabb Outing/Filiming, Builth Wells
25.07.2014                           Team Sabb Huddle, Treforest Campus
25.07.2014                           SU Executive, Treforest Campus
25.07.2014                           IMAGES kit meeting, Pontypridd
28.07.2014 – 29.07.2014  Trustee Training, Treforest Campus
29.07.2014                           Sabb Media Meeting, Treforest Campus
30.07.2014                           Student Reps meeting, Treforest Campus
30.07.2014                           Sabb Media meeting, Treforest Campus
31.07.2014                           Sabb Filming, All Campuses

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