Me :)

Me :)

Monday, 31 March 2014

March'ing Through

March’ing through


It usually gets busy around March-April time with term coming to an end and preparations for the end of year kicking off, but it’s been even busier this month due to the Executive voting period and a further round of elections in our Newport region. I’ve written a little about the things I’ve been organising and planning below. If you’d like to know what else I’ve been working on/would like to ask a question then please do not hesitate to contact... p.s. thanks to everyone who voted for me in this year’s elections <3



We were nominated for a number of NUS Wales Awards this year:

* Students' Union of the year
* Sampson King Staff member of the year
* Eindsleigh Student of the year
* Student Media of the year
* Student Journalist of the year


Following the first round of elections, preparation for the re-opening of nominations for VP Newport kicked off right away. Paperwork had to be drawn up and processed quickly to allow for the position to be advertised before the end of the second term. We’ve been posting on social media and gearing up for another round of voting. Keep an eye on for developments and announcements. Voting will open 31st March – 3rd April 2014.

#SALT’s/Golen Star's

Following the development of the SALT awards, we managed to obtain funding for two student placements. The IT placement will be responsible for developing a data capture macro, which will automatically collate nomination data. The second placement will be responsible for the publicity of the nomination process and events. They will also be responsible collectively for the design of the nomination process. Keep an eye out for notifications as to how you can nominate for your lecturers/peers.


I’ve been working hard along with University staff on portfolio planning and input into the Universities’ academic plan. We’ve designed training that will take place at the end of April.


I’ve been involved with a group responsible for the review of Academic Board. I’ve held a number of in

terviews with sabbatical officers, council officers and students to collect data that will go into the report. The report will be presented to the board of governors when completed and will provide the basis to implement changes to the board.


We’re still working hard with our newly formed student committee to develop the end of year events. Reps have been pushing hard and we are almost at the needed ticket sale amount in our Newport Region. There are one or two fundraisers planned to raise money for t

he events. One of which is the Regional Rumble. Tickets are currently £7 and can be collected from the reps/SU. Details of the event can be found below:

We are also competing in a spotify competition to win £5000 to go towards the events! All we have to do is have the most playlist followers by May the 1st 2014 to win. USW are currently in 4th Place. Follow the playlist via the link below (it’s free!!):

I’ve also got balloons ready for the end of year event, which people can purchase to release at the end of year events. The money raised from this will go towards next year’s end of year events.



Following the request and submission of the regional issues, a University staff member was allocated to look into them. They are currently compiling progress reports to feed back to our Course Representative Assemblies.



I published two documents, advising students/individuals on how to survive a meeting. The documents highlighted what to do when preparing for a meeting, what to do when at a meeting and how to overcome the barriers to communication. These are available via my blog.



Induction in the past has compromised of a very un-organized brief hand over, a talk-through of different representative groups and the signing of contracts and forms. I’ve been working on a transformation of inductions. Each officer elect’ will be provided with a folder containing all the information needed to carry out the role effectively. Each contains regional details and useful contacts within the union, university and the sector. I am also organizing individual induction meets with each member of staff to go through their roles and responsibilities and how they can help.  The folders will form the basis of induction week, with campus specific handovers happening in each of the roles in their respective regions. We are also currently planning group handover, trustee training and officer training ready for the new academic year.



Following the low voter turn-out, we have planned an away day to produce a report based on the elections. The report will contain information on elections turn out, voter demographic, usw specific elections overview, past statistics, comparative data, why people vote/don’t vote and provide recommendations for future.



Following request from a number of students in varied societies, I presented a proposal for adequate funding to be given to our sports teams, clubs and societies. Student council have requested for further information on what is wanted/needed. The societies officer and I am looking at how things are done with budgeting etc but I need all of your assistance with the other bit. They have asked for what societies/clubs would like to be amended and the reasoning for numeric values. I’m collating a brief report/ mini statement outlining what the societies think they should receive, what is received now, what the money will go on if they were given a contribution and the cost of expenditure and what the reprucutions of funding clubs and societies will mean. I’m hoping to have something by the next student council meeting.



I’ve been working hard with the CEO in developing our Strategic Plan. The SU review group are looking at both the review of the Union and the University Stakeholder submission an

d I have been working on collating data for the Student Stakeholder submission. I’ve developed a questionnaire that has gone to members of the executive for comment. This will then go to Student council for comment before being passed to student representatives to promote.






The Cashmachine issue seems to have resolved and the University have promised the implementation of the new machine by the end of the month. In relation to courses, I’ve been to a number of meetings and have voiced the dissatisfaction of the moving of courses to a different location. I’ve highlighted History as an example, with the roman fortress playing a remarkable attraction to history students studying on the Caerleon campus. I’ve also been pressing the developments of issues raised at the last course rep assembly and have been tirelessly looking at funding opportunities for the end of year events.



We’ve had a number of wins in Cardiff over the last few months including extending of opening hours. I’m currently collecting feedback on Atlantic and Cromwell House catering opportunities, which I will feedback to the University when I’ve received enough responses. I am also working with the commercial team and newly appointed campus officers to see what we will be able to provide in the newly built Atrium SU.



We seem to be hitting a brick wall with the developments at City Campus SU. I’ve been chasing the situation and have been re-assured that this will be looked at in April.


# Glyntaff

We’ve had much a positive response from students regarding our newly obtained Glyntaff SU space. Although students requested and have pleasantly welcomed the pool table, it has c

aused aggravation to one or two members of staff. The University has requested that the pool table be removed, but we are currently in talks with regards to this.



Estates have began work on the side gate making it accessible 24/7. They have pushed the work back to April so that it does not affect students during term time. The side gate will be transformed into a turn style gate with card access points (much like the one in cathays). Students will have access to the gates through their enrolment cards. Those that cause disruption to the community will have their access revoked, which will not affect those students who do not. This will also prevent non-student/staff members walking onto campus at night and will reduce crime opportunities when the gates become available 24/7.


Apart from that I’ve fought a number of student cases, replied to millions of e-mails and attended millions of conferences, talks and events (slight exaggeration, but you get the picture).

 Keep Peeled for more developments and the next update :).

For more frequent updates, follow me on twitter @USWSU_Presand add me on Facebook - Carys Rhiannon USWSU.

 Carys Rhiannon Thomas :D xx
 P.s. A list of meetings I've attended since the last blogg...


#Representation #StickItToTheMan

March 2014
05.03.2014                  ESSG, Treforest
05.03.2014                  FCF meeting, Treforest
05.03.2014                  USW Staff Choir
05.03.2014                  Newport Chaplaincy Constitution, Treforest
05.03.2014                  Academic Board, Treforest
05.03.2014                  Open Mic Night, Treforest
05.03.2014                  Score, Treforest
06.03.2014                  Student Opportunities in marketing, Treofrest
10.03.2014                  Freedom of Speech Policy, Treforest
13.03.2014                  Team SABB Meeting, Treforest
13.03.2014                  Review of Academic Board focus Group, Treforest
13.03.2014                  Introduction to the new Vice Chancellor, Treforest
13.03.2014                  Cyfarfod possibiliadau y Gymraeg, Treforest
14.03.2014                  Regional Rumble Promo filming, Treforest
17.03.2014                  Academic Misconduct hearing, Treforest
18.03.2014                  Nightline meeting, Treforest
18.03.2014                  Student council meeting, Newport
19.03.2014                  FCF meeting, Treforest
19.03.2014                  Partnership Quality sub-group committee, Treforest
20.03.2014                  Student council meeting, Glyntaff
21.03.2014                  SLTA development interviews, Treforest
21.03.2014                  LRC Project steering group, Treforest
26.03.2014                  AIESEC Information session, Treforest
26.03.2014                  Quality Assurance Committee, Treforest
26.03.2014                  NUS Wales Awards, Cardiff
27.03.2014                  SABB Away day, Cardiff
31.03.2014                  Glyntaff Nursing induction, Glyntaff              

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