Me :)

Me :)

Friday, 28 February 2014

Short Month, Demanding Schedulle

Short Month, Demanding Schedule


Although February is the shortest month of the year, it has by far not been the least busy. Jam packed with elections, LGBT History Month, union visioning and strategy, NUS nominations, report deadlines and all the usual democratic principles. I’ve written a little about some of the main things that have happened this month below. If you’d like to know what else I’ve been working on/would like to ask a question then please do not hesitate to contact...


Having reverted back to the usual time-frame, elections seem to have jumped upon us this year. With cuts in Union staff having affected our
abilities to publicise the elections, our sabbatical team have stepped up and tried their upmost to get the word out there. We’ve been posting on social media, disseminating posters across all campuses and have even ran an information roadshow on each campus to educate both potential nominees and voters. Campaigning is currently underway with candidates running from all regions for varied positions. It comes as a pleasant surprise to see a record number of candidates running at the Cardiff region, having more officers running than that of the other two. To view the candidates manifestos/question and answer sessions, see the links below:



Be Sure to Vote for your favourites via Unilife/Moodle come the 3rd – 6th March 2014!


We’ve finally written and submitted our report from our Research Exchange to Argentina. The report will be available on the USWSU website shortly so keep your eyes peeled :D!



After obtaining funding from the South Wales Police and ordering materials for all our campuses, this month our regional LGBT officers has lead their regional events. We’ve hosted movie nights, event nights, held workshops, ran campaigns, held drop in sessions and even filmed some LGBT related videos (will be available on USWSU Youtube shortly). I’ve also managed to obtain a further £100 to go towards next year’s History Month :D!.

Don’t recognise the term SALT? Don’t worry because it’s new! Formerly known as the Student Lead Teaching Awards/Student Experience awards, The SALT awards (Students and Academics in Learning and Teaching) are the newly named USWSU awards for academics and student representatives. I’ve been working hard with members of staff, our change agents and regional VP’s to arrange and organise the awards. It’s been decided that there will be regional awards held in May amongst the faculties of each region. The awards themselves have yet to be finalised but information will be published soon along with the request for nominations so keep your eyes peeled! I’ve also been working tirelessly with our Change Agents, who are undertaking research on different topics. They are currently in the Data Collection Phase of the research :D!


The National Student Survey has been running for two months now and the number of responses are streaming in. I’ve been working hard with our SVR’s and University Staff to promote the filling in of the surveys. It’s extremely important that 3rd year students fill the survey in as it gives both the University and prospective students feedback relating student courses. Those that score poorly are identified to the University and procedures are put in place to improve the courses, equally those that score well are looked at to see how that can continue and be disseminated to other courses. There is also a possible financial benefit to those filling in the survey with 5 lucky participants winning £100 just for filling it in!


Verity and I have been working hard to gain student feedback and input regarding the End of year event. Tickets are currently on sale for £20 and we are urging students to purchase tickets as soon as possible so that the event can go ahead. Verity has also set up an end of year planning committee, where students are taking the reins with regards to organisation and running of the event. We are looking into possibilities for fundraisers to sustain and grow the event in future years. One has currently been organised for early May to raise funds for this year’s event and will go live shortly.

I was asked at the last Student Affairs Committee meeting to provide information on the sort of issues students were raising and how I was progressing with my manifesto aims. I provided information on how I have been adhering to my manifesto but noted that I would give an update on student issues following the regional course rep councils. I attended each regional course rep councils and took notes on the main issues of each. I collated these and sent in three separate reports – one for each region on the main issues being discussed. I also mentioned that both SVR’s and Course Reps would be highlighting these to various departments but the University has mandated members of staff to chase the issues up to ensure that they are being resolved.


I’ve been doing a number of things for National Student Money week :D. I organised a Supermarket sweep which was held in Tesco. Our Vice President for Cardiff went up against one of our women’s rugby team members, whilst our VP Pontypridd had the role of chief trolley pusher. You can find the video below:

I also created a video for each day of National Student Money week on how to cook various recipes...


Pasta Bake:


Chilli and Coconut Chicken Curry:


Keep your eyes peeled for the bonus Home Made Banana Milkshake video...



I’ve been tirelessly chasing the CashPoint issue with the finance department of the University. At current as the previous contract for the cash machine has been lost and we as a Union are currently contracted for a further 3-4 years, there are difficulties in processes to get it up and running again. The University are currently looking into cash filling services for the short term but are having difficulties finding a provider that will just fill the machine. I’ve pressed this as an urgent matter and they have promised to return to me with information as soon as there are further developments. We are awaiting responses from the cash machine companies to be able to proceed.

We’ve successfully won the fight to have catering and beer on tap at Atrium II :D!! We have also under the influence of the student movement, convinced the University to extend the opening hours at the Atrium. I am currently working with both the VP for Cardiff and University staff to see if we can run a volunteer scheme so that both the Atlantic and Cromwell House opening hours can also be extended. I’ve also fed back all of the information derived from the most recent Course Rep Assembly to the University Executive, who has appointed a member of staff to solely look at and address the issues. I have forwarded a motion to the student affairs committee to have a shuttle bus service going from Atrium to Atlantic House to Cromwell house on a rotational basis, whilst the bridge is closed. I have also requested that a microwave, kettle and fridge be provided for Atlantic and Cromwell House students due to the lack of food provision. I am also currently writing up a proposal to be carried forward by whoever is elected as officers next year to have an SU feedback wall in Atlantic and Cromwell House, so that our officer team can provide weekly advice and assistance to students studying there. It will also act as a consistent feedback portal in addition to our Course Rep Assemblies and Student Council meetings. We've also had the sudden unfortunate news that Atrium SU is closing earlier! This has come with little consultation between the regional VP and I and I intend on highlighting this to Trustee board and working with both future and current officers to address the issue.



It’s proven difficult to find a re-location solution to the City Campus SU space. Estates have assured me that access to the room has been approved and that students are now able to access the space. I’m currently working with a number of University departments to see how we can best move departments to provide a better area for the SU. As an aside I have obtained a lock in notice board for the space and we are awaiting a pool table to be placed in the area. Due to destructions to equipment and materials previously, the space and equipment put in will be monitored carefully when looking at future possibilities.


It’s pleasing to see so many people using the Glyntaff SU Social Space, we fought so hard to obtain!! Since we obtained the space, it’s been painted, re-furnished, re-floored and re-newed. It now offers spaces to work, to sit comfortably and to eat. We have recently also added a pool table!! Plans are in place for networking to go in the area and for computers to be allocated to our bar desktop. We have also ordered pens for our feedback wall and have ordered further comfy seating! This week both SU and open notice boards are due to be put in so that both students and sabbs can be made aware of what’s going on SU wise. I’m looking forward to working with the VP for Pontypridd and campus officer to see what else we can do in addition to the turn-around.


The side gate was due to be updated and opened as a 24/7 access point at the end of February. Due to the staffing cuts in the Estates department, the work got pushed under the radar. I have highlighted this to both estates and the University Directorate who are looking into it as a matter of urgency. The side gate will be transformed into a turn style gate with card access points (much like the one in cathays). Students will have access to the gates through their enrolment cards. Those that cause disruption to the community will have their access revoked, which will not affect those students who do not. This will also prevent non-student/staff members walking onto campus at night and will reduce crime opportunities when the gates become available 24/7.


Apart from that I’ve fought a number of student cases, replied to millions of e-mails and attended millions of conferences, talks and events (slight exaggeration, but you get the picture).

Keep Peeled for more developments and the next update :).

For more frequent updates, follow me on twitter @USWSU_Pres and add me on Facebook - Carys Rhiannon USWSU.


Carys Rhiannon Thomas :D xx

P.s. A list of meetings I've attended since the last blogg...

#Representation #StickItToTheMan


February 2014
01.02.2014                           Charity Bucket Collection, Cardiff
03.02.2014                           Student Appeals, complaints and Conduct, Treforest

03.02.2014                           Student Success Group, Treforest
03.02.2014                           Captains meeting, Treforest

04.02.2014                           Sabb Team Meeting, Glyntaff
04.02.2014                           Elections Roadshow, Glyntaff

04.02.2014                           Go Out and Talk, Glyntaff
04.02.2014                           Executive Committee meeting, Caerleon

04.02.2014                           Student Council meeting, Caerleon
05.02.2014                           FCF meeting, Treforest

05.02.2014                           Student opportunities in marketing meeting, Treforest
05.02.2014                           RAG meeting, Treforest

05.02.2014                           Student Council meeting, Cardiff
06.02.2014                           LGBT meeting, Treforest

06.02.2014                           SLTA training, Treforest
06.02.2014                           Duke of Edinburgh meeting, Pontypridd

06.02.2014                           Student Council meeting, Newport
07.02.2014                           Elections Roadshow, Cardiff

07.02.2014                           Global Day meeting, Treforest
07.02.2014                           Argentina Research meeting, Treforest

10.02.2014                           Global Day meeting, Treforest
10.02.2014                           Review of Effectiveness of Academic board, Treforest

10.02.2014                           Student Affairs Committee, Treforest
10.02.2014                           Filming SuperMarket Sweep video, Treforest

11.02.2014                           Elections Roadshow, Caerleon
11.02.2014                           Elections Roadshow, City

11.02.2014                           Global Day meeting, City Campus
12.02.2014                           SU media, Treforest

12.02.2014                           Library tour, Treforest
13.02.2014                           DISAG, Treforest

13.02.2014                           February intake induction talk, Atrium
13.02.2014                           Global Day meeting, Atrium

13.02.2014                           Equality and Diversity Steering group meeting, Caerleon
13.02.2014                           YMCA meeting, Pontypridd

17.02.2014                           End of year fundraising opportunities meeting, Cardiff
18.02.2014                           Executive committee meeting, Treforest

18.02.2014                           Elections roadshow, Treforest
18.02.2014                           Elections roadshow, Glyntaff

18.02.2014                           International intake induction talk, Glyntaff
19.02.2014                           FCF meeting, Treforest

19.02.2014                           Course Rep Assembly, Cardiff
20.02.2014                           Directorate-SU student experience meeting, Treforest

20.02.2014                           Course Rep Assembly, Pontypridd
20.02.2014                           Welcome event for February intake, Treforest

21.02.2014                           SU developments at Glyntaff and City, Treforest
21.02.2014                           GradEdge development meeting, Treforest

24.02.2014                           SLTA Training, Treforest
25.02.2014                           Course Rep Assembly, Caerleon

26.02.2014                           Score, Treforest
27.02.2014                           Reflection and Observation of Teaching, City

27.02.2014                           Welcome buffet, Treforest
27.02.2014                           Tequilla radio fundraiser, Porters

28.02.2014                           Student opportunities in sport, Treforest

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