Me :)

Me :)

Monday 17 March 2014

How To Survive a Meeting

Top Tips When Preparing for a Meeting

* Know what the meeting is about – if you don’t then ask!

* Read the papers beforehand

* Know what you want to get out of the meeting

* Decide what your input will be/what you will say and when

* Assess the need/appropriateness of you attending – delegate to a student representative/nothing to input

* Research – Committee members at the meeting, arguments, context, other members viewpoints

* Check you’ve carried out your action points

* Put an item on the Agenda if appropriate

* Pre-meet with appropriate stakeholders/people

* Make sure you’ve gone to the toilet!



Top Tips when at a Meeting

* Follow the agenda and tick off as you go along

* Ask for clarification if you’re confused

* Don’t watch the clock!

* When talking keep on topic – concise and to the point – don’t waffle!

* Have the confidence to contribute

* Give the collective viewpoint not simply your own

* Don’t panic – take your time

* Note your own actions on a piece of paper/a to do list

* Keep your cool – don’t let others intimidate you

* Bring appropriate issues to the meeting and don’t personalise them

Sent – Received – Understood – Accepted – Acted Upon


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